PhD fellow in Artistic Research at the Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo. 2018-2025

Transforming with the Artistic Palette. An exploration of collaboration and the classical performer's role in contemporary music.


Karin Hellqvist (2022). Circular Bowing - Cyclical Work. VIS – Nordic Journal for Artistic Research. Issue 8 (November 11th 2022)

Karin Hellqvist (2022) Solastalgia: Layers of Caring. Ruukku - Studies in Artistic Research Nr. 18.

Karin Hellqvist (2022) Heartbeats at the knot of presence. Portable Gray. Vol. 5. No 1 / Spring 2022. University of Chicago Press

Karin Hellqvist (2022) Triol - gränslöst skapande med efterklang. Fönstret #3 - People and places. Edition - festival for other music. Stockholm, Sweden.

Karin Hellqvist (2022) Solastalgia - The voicing of a fading natural resource. Seismograf - Sounding Womens Work. Peer-reviewed audio paper.

Karin Hellqvist (2021) Solastalgia - Mourning through the Translation of Ice. Antarktikos #1 Mapping Nature. Daarzijn, Rotterdam.

Karin Hellqvist, Heloisa Amaral, Ellen Inga Hannesdóttir (2020) Impossible Situations: Concerts in The Making. Stockholm, Sweden.